Songtitle-explanations (goregrind era)

2006-2008: goregrind era

No lyrics, only songtitles (with a few exceptions); explanations revised in June 2020

“Severe Head Trauma” demo CD-R:

1) Endlessly growing Tumour

The idea here is that Jesus’ light shining in the darkness spreads like a tumour in Satan’s realm, ultimately destroying it.

2) Holocaustic Dismemberment of Perversion

Death to all sexual perversion! The day will come when God will cleanse the world of all impurity.

3) Rapist gets what he deserves

This one mentions a rapist because I was angered about rape when I wrote this song (and I still am), but it could as well be called “Sinner gets what he deserves”. The wage of rebellion against God is the separation from him for eternity and because of our rotten human nature, everyone deserves this, in fact, be it a rapist or not. Luckily, there is a way out because Jesus took all of humanity’s filth upon himself and paid the price on our behalf.

4) Severe Head Trauma of Satan

In the first chapters of the Bible, there is the old story of the Garden of Eden and how Satan, the snake, seduced humanity into sin and destroyed the harmony and relationship between God and mankind. However, when he died on the cross, Jesus destroyed the power of sin and damnation, the works of the devil, and figuratively smashed his head.

5) Purulent and worm-infested carnal Leftovers

When we die, that’s the end of the story for the body. It should therefore not be the main concern during our earthly life. It is obviously good to take care of ourselves and our bodies, but the greater goal is to glorify God and to focus on him and not on ourselves.

6) Putrefaction of Sinful Pleasures

I know that a lot of people, especially men, struggle with sexual fantasies and impulses that they might not wish for, but it happens anyway. However, Jesus is mighty and can help overcome this. 

7) Torturous Death of Pornography

Death to porn and all sexual exploitation! At some point God will cleanse this world of all impurity.

8) Horrendous Disfigurement of fornicating Corpses

Death to fornication! The world will be cleansed of all impurity someday.

The later “official” version of this track had a slightly different title (“Horrendous Disfigurement of Fornication Urges”). The reason for me to change the name was that I don’t want to speak against people, but against the act of fornication.

9) Maggot’s Feast on lusty Carcass

This addresses the general topic of lust. Lust drives people to egoistic sexual activity instead of seeking a true and deep connection of love with their partner and it plays a part in atrocities as rape, sexual molestation of children, adultery, affairs etc. It causes horrible things instead of the good that God has planned for us and is rebellion against God’s ideas, which ultimately leads to eternal death. Fortunately, we have forgiveness through Jesus, so that this does not have to be the final sentence.

10)    VomitGore ChristCore

This title stands for the dedication of VxDx to Jesus Christ, playing goregrind music for him and his glory.

“Festering Carcass covered with Rot” MCD:

1) Slashing Temptations to a Mass of slithering Offal

Satan often tries to detour people into doing something against God’s will. With the help of God these temptations can be overcome.

2) Abolishment of disgusting homosexual Sodomy

This one is pretty straightforward, and obviously a sensitive topic. I would like to emphasize that I distinguish between the people engaged in homosexual activities and/or relationships and the thing homosexuality. The Word of God is quite clear about homosexuality and God hates sin, however he does love the sinner. This is my approach as well; I am not against the people, but I don’t support this lifestyle.

3) Sickening Bowel Regurgitation of the Hellspawn

This one is imagining the terror that Satan and his demons might have felt when they realized Jesus has, basically, already defeated them. Just a bit over the top, goregrind style ;-)

4) Purulent Faeces in your Brain

The human mind is filled with impure and problematic thoughts and impulses. This shows in the exploitation of the environment, wars, greed, sexual offenses and many more. Although not everyone goes mad during his/her lifetime, it is a fact that none of us is exempt from this corrupted human nature.

5) Seductions beheaded with a Hacksaw

The human mind can easily be seduced into engaging in wrong behaviours, be it in the financial or sexual area or something else. But I believe that God can help with overcoming these ways and staying on the right track.

6) Severe Head Trauma of Satan

(see above)

7) Divine Excretion of malignant proliferating Tumour in your Soul

This is about “Dr. God” surgically removing the spreading tumour of sin from a person’s life.

8) Spewing a Load of festering Bile

This title doesn’t have a deeper meaning. It’s just fitting the short vomit eruption that this song is.

9) Blasphemer decomposing in the Bowels of Hell and eternally waiting for Defecation

I think some people don’t even know the seriousness of what they are saying when they speak blasphemies against God Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The separation from God that they are asking for is eternal and unchangeable once their life ends.

10) Rapist gets what he deserves

(see above)

11) Putrefaction of Sinful Pleasures

(see above)

12) Coprophiliac Dreams flushed down the Toilet

Coprophilia is the sexual affection towards excrements and is one of the most horrible sexual perversions in my personal view. This song deals with the topic in a sarcastic way, fittingly using the toilet to flush it all down. Death to all sexual perversion!

13) The vomitous Discharge pt. I

Just a vomitous discharge :-)

14) VomitGore ChristCore II

This is a follow-up to “VomitGore ChristCore”; another dedication of VxDx to the Lord Jesus Christ.

10-way floppy disk split:

- Gutting the hellish Scum

Like the song “Carrionic mutilated Demon-Waste”, this one refers to Jesus’ victory over Satan and his demons.



Extreme Collection XII:

Puking out Demons with the Power of Christ

I believe there is a spiritual world in which there are angels and demons. These supernatural beings can influence us and demons are able to possess people. The Bible tells of numerous occasions when Jesus cast out demons from possessed people and I believe this can still happen today, both the possession and also the liberation, because Christ is stronger than any demonic force.

“6-way Sin Decomposition” split CD:

1) Diagnosis – Sepsia of Sin

From birth, humankind is inherently evil and sinful, rebellious towards God. This sickness that corrupts all our lives is diagnosed by God.

2) Therapy – Jesus Injection

Following the diagnosis in the last song, the therapy for the illness of sin is Jesus. He took all transgression onto himself and paid the price for it by dying for all humankind. His sacrifice makes us free from sin if we chose to believe in him and entrust him with our lives.

3) Holocaustic Dismemberment of Perversion

(see above)

4) Snorting out the nasal Mucous

This title simply refers to having a cold and cleaning your nose :-) I don’t believe everything should only be serious all the time, there must also be room for some silliness and fun.

5) Homo dementus

Homo dementus, the demented human… Our species should probably be called that instead of Homo sapiens, taking all the insanity of our daily lives, hate, terror, destruction, greed and wars into account.

6) Insalubrious Pus discharged from the oral Cavity

This is about cleaning oneself from the dirt that spoils the inner being.

7) Regurgitate the rotting Flesh

This is a reference to the biblical concept of “spirit” and “flesh”. The flesh stands for the earthly desires, whereas the spirit refers to the life that goes beyond the earthly existence and that’s focussed on God. As Christians have this perspective of eternity, there is a common desire for the spirit to increase and for the flesh to decrease (rot), for it to gradually be removed from a Christian’s life (regurgitated).

It also refers to a verse in Revelations where God says he will vomit all people out of his mouth that are lukewarm. Lukewarm in this context means following God in some areas of life, but not in all, meaning that the flesh is still there and God will vomit it out.

8) Torturous Death of Pornography

(see above)

9) Carrionic mutilated Demon-Waste

Reference to Jesus’ coming victory over Satan and his legions at Armageddon.

10) Gore to the World

Goregrind cover of the traditional Christmas song “Joy to the World”, sung in German.

11) Maggot’s Feast on lusty Carcass

(see above)

12) Sacrificial Splatterfeast at Golgatha leading to Salvation

Jesus’ death on the cross wasn’t quick and easy, it cost him everything and was a horrible display of torture that dragged on for several hours. However, it was also an act of love from his side, for each and every human, to take onto himself all the wrong that we do. If we accept this sacrifice for ourselves, God forgives us for our rebellion and we are saved to have eternal life with him.

13) The vomitous Discharge pt. II

Just a vomitous discharge :-)

14) VomitGore ChristCore

(see above)

split CD-R w/ Insomnia Isterica:

1) Endlessly growing Tumour in Satan’s Cadaver

(see above)

2) Resurrection of mangled Ptoma

Ptoma is Greek for “fallen body”. I believe in life after death and that those who follow Christ will resurrect after they die.

3) Purulent and worm-infested carnal Leftovers

(see above)

4) Theophilia

Theo = God, philia = love/affection in Greek, so this means love towards God.

5) Analyzing the Progress of cerebral Ulceration

I think it’s important to check ourselves, our life and our mind from time to time. Are there things, behaviours, attitudes or opinions that are detrimental to our relationship to other people, to ourselves, to God?

6) Axe-Decapitation of Obsessions by Prayer

I believe that there is a lot of power in prayer. In fact, Jesus himself spoke of that power to his disciples. Prayer is having a conversation with God, and if we are in line with him and ask him for something we need, he will give it to us. He can also help with obsessions and other negative things that torment us.

7) Dissecting unholy Cankroid Formations in your Mind

This one follows the idea from the song “Analyzing the Progress of cerebral Ulceration”. If there really are things that need correction in our lives and minds, this can be achieved with Jesus’ help.

8) Horrendous Disfigurement of Fornication Urges

(see above)

9) The vomitous Discharge pt. III

Just a vomitous discharge :-)

10) Lepra Rot healed by God

When Jesus lived on Earth, curing leprosy was something impossible, but he did it anyway on several occasions. This was only possible through the power of God, who can heal all illnesses and even free us from sin, the human condition of rebellion against God.

3-way split CD-R w/ xBarneyx & Whorifik:

1) Self-control

One of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit listed in the Bible in Galatians 5,22.

2) Peace

One of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit listed in the Bible in Galatians 5,22.

3) Kindness

One of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit listed in the Bible in Galatians 5,22.

4) Joy

One of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit listed in the Bible in Galatians 5,22.

5) Faith

One of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit listed in the Bible in Galatians 5,22.

6) Meekness

One of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit listed in the Bible in Galatians 5,22.

7) Goodness

One of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit listed in the Bible in Galatians 5,22.

8) Long-suffering

One of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit listed in the Bible in Galatians 5,22.

9) Love

One of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit listed in the Bible in Galatians 5,22.

10) The vomitous Discharge pt. IV

Just a vomitous discharge :-)

11) Holy Hypocrisy (Vomitorial Corpulence cover):

You listen but your actions make me sick!

You say you’re my servant... Hypocrite!

(Be doers, not keepers only, you’re just deceiving yourselves!)

You've been in a church all your life!

Outside you play a game, but inside…

Be doers of the word!

“15 Ways Porn Gore Grind” split CD-R:

1) Genocide of the Helicobacter pylori

For several years up until 2007 or so, I had issues with my stomach and ultimately it turned out to be an inflammation with Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Thanks to some good antibiotics, these suckers were annihilated… :-)

2) Released from the Psoriasis vulgaris

I’ve been suffering of psoriasis since I was 15 or so and in 2007 I finally found out what it is and a treatment of the disease could start.