Lyrics (grindcore era)

2008-2010: grindcore era

"Enough is enough..." pro split CD-R w/ Musikantenstadl Massaker

Thanks for nothing

Hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, liar!!

You are so right and you are so perfect
You are so holy and know everything
Your opinion must be the right one
Your opinion has to be God's

Thanks for judging what I do
Thanks for being a stupid cop!

Wannabe, wannabe, wannabe, prophet!!

"This can't be, that can't be, it mustn't be, never
You are not allowed to do this
I know it for sure, God doesn't like it
Even without a prove in the scripture"

Thanks for being such a hypocrite
Thanks for being so irrational
Thanks for thinking you're something better
Thanks for always being right

I have had enough!!

All odds against you, even the Bible
Still you stick to your opinion
No insight, no reason
There is no hope in your case

You forget about love and friendship
Forget we are all one body
You think only you are correct
All the others will burn in hell

Thanks for being so legalistic
Thanks for being so self-righteous
Thanks for not practicing what you preach
Thanks for absolutely nothing!


A new Definition of Stupidity

Brainless, stupid, lobotomized?
Unable to talk, unable to discuss?
Think your white skin makes you something better?
Then join this club of idiocy!

Racist ideology, fascist insanity:
A new definition of stupidity!

No sense for history
Unable to learn from the past
Why on Earth can't you see
That your rubbish just brings us crap?

Nazi bondages, hypocrisy and lies:
A new definition of stupidity!

All your hate and intolerance towards the differently colored
Will be revenged by the almighty God, he will crush your filth and lies!
He created many different kinds, they're all equal in his sight
Your much lower pigmentation doesn't mean you're king of all nations!

I can't accept and tolerate your stupid preaches about the Aryan race
I love black people and the Asians just as my fellow Europeans
Just imagine you were the blacks! Would you enjoy the situation
Of being despised because of your skin? I guess not, please start thinking...


Sexist Distortion

Bodies twisted into unnatural positions
Beautiful creation now displaying deformity
To satisfy a sick mind's desire
A fetish for perverts and their fantasy


Inhuman egoistic urges to penetrate
To fulfill deranged psychotic visions
The woman is raped and violated
While semen fluid splatters everywhere

Perversion of God's gift of sexuality
Misogynic activity of extreme depravity

The torture of one for the other's pleasure
Hateful impalement of the suffering girl
How can you use that for covers and intros?
If it's so funny, then why ain't I laughing?!

Sexist distortion of holy creation
Reduced to a puppet for dirty sessions

Porn is fascism on a sexual level
Something I don't want to tolerate
No tolerance for this sexism!
No tolerance for this fascism!


No tolerance! NO!!!

The vomitous Discharge pt. V

Vomitous Discharge, vomitous DISCHARGE!!

Concrete World (Ulcerrhoea cover)

Sombre world in grey concrete
Darkest reality, disguised, unseen
Playing ground of lifeless vitality
Growing on common unsensibility

Mass funeral cloth in grey
Monumental burial spree
Dust, dirt, pollution

Born into industrial asphixia
Paralyzed inside concrete walls

"Excavation of Rarities" collection CD-R

Facing the Deadman

Rights exploding in the face, running clotheslines
Followed by the snake eyes
A high boot to the temple, legdrop on the chest
Chokeslam to the mat

Tombstone piledriver
Now you will rest in peace!

"German Underground Zombie Raid" pro split CD-R w/ No One Gets Out Alive

As time goes by

Do you remember some time ago when you noticed me watching you?
Do you remember I was suddenly smiling when we met and I talked to you?

You meant everything to me, I couldn’t stop thinking about you
But did you notice how times have changed? Now you’re just a distant memory…

You were not the right one for me
And I wasn’t that someone for you
Why waste my time thinking of the past?
The wounds you once opened are now supposed to rest


Vatican Trash

Your club is trash and it’s made of cash! 2x

Sitting in your golden temples, gold you ripped-off of the poor
Since the day you entered this stage you’ve been lying, betraying, deceiving

Inventing stories to control the unknowing masses with their fear
Hypocrisy, lies and religious nonsense made your corporation flourish

Holy Mary, pope, all the saints, purgatory, absolution letters
These fairytales are all built on your religious mysticism

Back in the medieval ages you slaughtered millions for your glory
That’s what this is all about, there’s no worse representation of God

You’re a state with political interests, you even got your own currency
To ensure more power and influence you make up irrational laws

Your club is trash and it’s made of cash!


Your man-made laws for sexuality are an origin of pure evil
You don’t allow priests to marry, so they go and rape innocent children

Sick freaks’ perversity and for all this time you didn’t react

The unfaultable pope on his golden throne, a supposed personification of Jesus
These “saints” have failed a million times and many were bastards of other popes

They weren’t allowed to marry either, so behind curtains they had their whores
Adultery resulting in children, the holy (highness’s) hypocrisy remained undiscovered

You’re a cannon! Firing filth and poison 2x

Your irresponsible behaviour makes God and Jesus look like crap
People think all Christians are like you, this whole rubbish makes me sick

Compare your actions to the Bible, something doesn’t fit at all
Compare the pope to Jesus, you shouldn’t even be called “Christians”

You’re a cannon! Loaded with filth and poison 2x

Fanatic Money-Makers

Work, work, work – you must never stop
You’re not worth anything unless you work a lot
Total exploitation to survive in this sick society

Anti-human, in favour of profit

Study, study, study – never cease to learn
Information raining down on you and you must catch it all
Books squeezed into your head, now knowledge you shall have

Brainless academic bullcrap
Intelligence defined by your marks
You give up hobbies, the beautiful things in your life
In favour of knowledge you’re now a social failure

Stupid but intelligent, intelligent but stupid!

This modern society has a serious problem
Measuring human value by the person’s overall performance
They all bow down to Moloch and live their lives for cash
I really miss the Christian way in this entire mess

Third World Chaos

3rd world chaos! 4x

Kids and cripples begging on the street
Behind the next bridge the mother takes the cash

3rd world chaos! 2x

People without work are lost
They don’t find another solution
Than drugs and alcohol to cease the pain
And prostitution to make a living

3rd world chaos! 4x

This 3rd world we see on the news: misery and corruption
Look past the sunny beaches and find a living hell
Politicians lying to the people, picking money from their pockets
God, don’t forget about these people, make them strong and help them fight


Infant Rape

Who’s got the sicker video?
I’ve got one with the horse
Now I feel really strong
I’m only 12, but who cares?

I’m only 8 and I saw a film
Of 4 guys banging just 1 girl
I tried it with my friends and sis
Too bad the 4-year-old is now dead

Parents failing at education,
They don’t mind children watching porn
They even watch it with their kids
Or let them watch while having sex

My mum and I are really close
And we like each other a lot
Even though I’m very young
We already had an awesome threesome

This pornographic sexual disaster
Is really getting out of hand
It rapes the minds of the future
Of our entire society
We need much more awareness
Don’t let this stuff get to the kids
The couple of cases here discussed
Should be evidence enough


Ban it!

I admit it’s really clever
How you blame everything on games
So people are worrying about those
And forget about your mistakes

It’s really easy for you to say
The violent games and aggressive music
Were the reasons for him to freak out
Were the reasons for this amok-run

Afraid, lying, grown-up, but a child

Take their eyes off our crap society
And all the errors in our system
Your performance-pressure and inhumanity
Are slowly driving people insane

You can be glad that only few
Freak out and kill others like that

Underground Nursery-School

It’s pretty interesting that you’re in favour of
Liberty of speech and freedom for all
Because when I look at your lyrics
I see you wish death to all Christians

You’re being absolutely silly
Request freedom for you but oppression for others
I thought this scene was about respect
Honesty and freedom, but maybe I was wrong

I respect your opinion, also if I don’t agree
Why do you whine around? Simply do the same for me!

It’s ok if you don’t like Christian stuff
But please stop playing the tough guy
We both know, if I stood in front of you
You’d never have the guts to kill me anyway

Being in love with Plastic

Take a look at the modern woman
Tons of make-up, fake face, fake boobs
Natural expression is all gone
So called beauty-operations
I see the operation, but where’s the beauty? GONE!

TV sets the standards high
Perfect women, perfect bodies
Baywatch, soaps, commercials and porn
Now every girl thinks she must be
Some sort of new Pam Anderson

Being in love with plastic! We’re in love with plastic chicks! 2x

Please girls, start to think!
Don’t stress yourselves, screw the TV
There’s nothing worse than
Synthetic faces, make-up curtains
You’re pretty the way you were born

We must stop being in love with plastic!

Your Chance

I’ve known you since the very beginning,
Even before the day you were born
I’ve seen everything in your life,
I’ve seen you laugh and I’ve seen you cry
I was there when you started walking
And when you kissed for the first time
I was there when your mother died
And during this period I wept with you

I see you struggling every day,
I know it’s not easy in this world
But I offer you my hand,
Let me lead you the right way
I don’t want money, just your friendship,
Regardless of what the churches say
The same counts for religious practices,
I don’t care for those rituals, they just bore me

The churches made me look like an idiot,
They did horrible things in my name
But I died for you many years ago,
Now I’m here to help you, my name is Jesus

Will you take my hand?
Maybe today is your last chance…


In the jungle, the green hell, holiday trip, you thought it was a good idea
Car got stuck, in the mud, go on by foot, into the claws of a savage tribe

Cannibals! Run for your life…
Cannibals! They’re coming to eat you!

You run like mad, you’re feeling bad, imagine the thought, of ending on a grill spit
Stupid root! You start to stumble, fall on the ground, now you’re surrounded by cannibal spears!

Cannibals! There’s no way out…
Cannibals! You will be grilled…
Cannibals! Not buried but digested…
Cannibals! End of your trip…

You’re being trapped in a wooden cage, piranhas eat your legs and feet
You see your comrades being hacked, chunks of meat frying on the fire
Now it’s your turn to be their meal, sliced open you watch them disembowel
Then you see them start devouring, when your head is severed you go to sleep…

The Vomitous Discharge pt. VI

Vomitous… Discharge!

Festive Hypocrisy

Throughout this year we haven’t talked
We barely know each other anyway
But now on Christmas things are different
We’re best friends for about two weeks

Look at all the presents displayed in the store!
Let’s just go ahead and fake some more!

If I give you a present everything’s ok, right?
It should make up for the time we were apart
If I only write a letter it’s not as spectacular
But at least it’s a good start…